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SEO Trends To Expect In 2017

Posted on 9 January 2017, Written by Pod Digital

Edited on 6 March 2023

When it comes to executing a successful search engine optimisation strategy, getting ahead of your competition is essential. One of the best ways of doing so is to adjust and adapt your content and SEO strategy before your competitors have time to catch up – but what trends should you follow to make a head start in 2017?

Dense content will take authority

Even before ‘content is king’ hit the mainstream, SEO experts spent every resource they had on churning out content to boost search engine rankings. However, as Google and other search engines catch up, it’s more important than ever to write informative, high-quality content that offers something unique and valuable to your audience.

Over the last couple of years, SEO experts have been producing long-form content is of higher quality and encourages users to spend more time on a website. Now, ‘dense’ content – that is, content that provides as much useful information to the audience in the smallest possible number of words – is the most efficient strategy for content marketing.

Personal assistants will change the way we search

Google Assistant and Amazon Echo are paving the way for the next generation of search. Users will use their voices and perform non-traditional searches, receiving information extracted from websites, rather than clicking through and finding information themselves.

Machine learning will continue to evolve

Algorithmic machine learning is becoming more common, with Google RankBrain just one of the features released within recent years. Data interpretation and marketing automation are both expected to become more prominent in 2017.

The more you know about search engine optimisation, and the more equipped you are with the right tools and techniques, the more likely you are to succeed. Don’t hesitate to rely on the SEO strategy services at Pod Digital today if you’d like to get ahead of the competition.

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